Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Comparison, complacency, compromise

2Corinthians10:12 For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with those that commend themselves: but they, measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves by themselves, are not wise.

I think most of the non achievements or issues of complacency in my life have most often than not come as a result of comparison. I mean i'm not as lazy as... or as bad as... or vain as... or as nosy as... etc which obviously doesn't make the situation better or worse hence leaving a placebo effect. With the problem not solved but sugar coated with a false sense of relief.

Sometimes, this also reflects on our spiritual lives. We know there's so much we should be doing in the kingdom of God but when we look around we convince ourselves we're ok. I'm better than Mary, i at least read a verse a day, she doesn't even have a bible or i'm only stealing a pen. I'm better than Stano who picks wallets. Trust me i've been there most often than not. Not attending say an all night because so and so is not there or just watching at least i'm not practicing... Forgetting that my friends are not the standard. Neither is my family or my leader. The only standard is Jesus, and how far i fall from his standard. Its our month of righteousness and the call is out!

I pray for grace to be like Jesus because its ALWAYS easier said than done. For it is God who gives us the grace to will and to do. 2Corinthians3:5 Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think anything of ourselves: but our sufficiency is of God... Phillipians2:13, Hebrews13:20-21

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